Monday 28 March 2011

April fool Ki Tabakariyan

The Sarkar (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam)  of the two worlds said: When two friends meet, shake hands and read Darood Sharif upon me, before they depart from each other all their sins will be forgiven.
Asalato Wassalamo ‘Alaika Ya RasoolAllah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam)

April fool

Dear beloveds, from among the ills within society is the ill of lying. This is such a big ill that unknowingly so many sins occur. However, Shaytan has created a special day for this, that is April 1st. People call it April Fool, which means: Make your friends and dear ones look like fools by lying to them.
It is written in Quran-e-pak: “Allah’s curse is on the liars”

Sign of the hypocrite

Hazrat Abdullah ibne Umar’s (Radi Allahu anhu )narration contains four signs of a hypocrite:
1)   When he talks, he lies
2)   When he promises, he breaks it
3)   When he enters a contract, he does not follow through
4)   When he enters an argument, he abuses

The Malik of the two worlds and Mukhtar King (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam), said: “destruction is for him who speaks and causes people to laugh through lying, destruction is for him, destruction is for him”

Depth of Hell fire

The Sarkar of the world (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) said: When one speaks, and does so only to create laughter amongst people, then due to this he falls in to the depth of the fire. It is of greater distance between the sky and the earth. The slip of the tongue is much greater than the slip of the foot

Bad smell
Sarkar (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam)  of two worlds said: The one who lies, the angels travel a distance from the bad smell of his mouth.

Leave lying

One person had four ills within him, he came to our beloved pure Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) .  He said Ya RasulAllah (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam) , I have four ills of which only one I can give up;

1)      Lying, 2) Drinking, 3) Gambling and 4) Theft.

The one well-informed of the affairs of the world, Messenger of Allah said: “give up lying and he promised that he will never lie again. When it became night, he went out to drink alcohol but then he realized when he meets the Messenger of Allah in the morning, he will ask him if he drank Alcohol. If he replies in the affirmative then he will get punished. Due to keeping his promise on not lying, he abstained from drinking that night. The he decided for gambled but felt the same and then abstained from theft too due to the promise of not lying.
In the morning, he went to see the Messenger of Allah and mentioned: Ya RasulAllah (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa Sallam), Just by abstaining from lying I have been saved from committing all the ills.

You have read now, the pardoning is in the abstaining from lying. To hide one lie, there is no idea of how many more lies need to be created. Therefore, pardoning is in telling the truth always, do not lie even while joking, do not make people laugh by telling lies. April Fool is the creation of the west and by it we continuously fool our own Muslim bretheren and we are happy by this? The honour, life, and wealth of another Muslim is like one’s own.

Those who play April fool jokes say that they are only “enjoying themselves”, but I say what kind of an enjoyment is this? There are people who even die due to these April Fool jokes.

Heart Fail

One friend called another friend and said: Your father has died. When his friend heard this he became beside himself, held his chest. When people came closer and surrounded the realized that he had died. Many such incidences occur on a regular basis.

Full of Yoghurt

Sag-e-Attar wa Barakat was confronted with the following incident in 1988: “My manager enjoyed yoghurts quite a lot. One April 1st, my manager’s friend brought him cups full of yoghurt, when my manager began to eat them he quick spat them out as it was full of yoghurt at all. Infact it was full of soil stones and lime giving the effect of yoghurt. And top of this he placed chilli and this simulated yoghurt completely.

As the manager spat, it fell directly on Mothers and Sisters and suddenly there was a major uproar and violence. The situation was controlled very difficultly, many years of friendships broke apart and became enmities.

In this way, many youngsters, elders and women enjoy playing this April Fool jokes. Sure, enjoy yourself, please do. But on the condition that there not be any lying and emotional pain, let it be in good sport and frolicsome.

The rightly guided caliphs

Once the four caliphs were sitting together, Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu anhu) , Hazrat Umar (Radi Allahu anhu), Hazrat Usman (Radi Allahu anhu) and Hazrat Ali(Radi Allahu anhu).

 They ate dates and left the date stones next to Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu anhu) , Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu anhu) remarked cheerfully that if one was to arrive and see this they would think that Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu anhu)  was the one who ate all the dates. Hazrat Ali (Radi Allahu anhu) also responded in good sport that yes, surely one would think that I ate the dates and left the date stones but he would see you and think that not only did you eat the dates but also consumed the date stones too because there are none affront of you.

You have seen how good sport breeds good sport, nor was there any need of lying and hurting anyone’s feelings and insults. Therefore, have good fun whilst remaining within the bounds of the Shari’a. Our predecessors would sacrifice their own loss in protection of their Muslim brother’s life and wealth.

The bad coin

Shaykh Abdullah Khayyat (Rahmatullahi 'alayh)  had a customer who was a Fire Worshiper and in return for sewn clothes who would always pay with a bad coin. He would accept the coin and not mention anything. One day his student didn’t accept the bad coin from the customer in Shaykh’s absence. When Shaykh (Rahmatullahi 'alayh )found out he was displeased and said: For a while now I have been accepting his bad coins in return for goods. I did this so my fellow Muslim brother does not receive it instead and I have patience over my own loss.

The honour of a Muslim

You have read how our predecessors fully contained the motivation of honouring the Muslim. The Fire Worshipper thought he was fooling the Shaykh, but it was infact he himself who was the fool. Hazrat Moula Hussain (Radi Allahu anhu)  said a Momin does not receive or gives it, but due to his mercifulness accepts deceit. So we now realise that April Fool play is nothing more than lying and a satanic operation, therefore let us all make promise now that we keep the honour of our Muslims, we will keep excellent manners and character before Muslims and non-Muslim alike. We will make this satanic
operation unsuccessful.

We will pre-advise all Muslim brothers ahead of April 1st, do not take any notice of rumours, first get things confirmed and then proceed. If anyone informs you of good, say AlHAMDULILLAH and if someone informs you of sad news say, INNA LILLAH WA INNA LILLAH RAJIUN.

We should inform our friends as early as possible, before April 1st. This is to ensure we have the correct mindset and will never become fools, INSHALLAH.

It is now essential for Muslim brothers and sisters to mention the ills of April Fool, the scholars should do the same in their Friday Khutba’s, the preachers should do this in their speeches, and the teacher should inform their students to save them from the ills. We should produce posters against it near the Masjids, in market places, in schools, colleges, Madrassas, factories, busses and on bus stops. You will receive Sawaab.

Jazak Allah Khair . Talib Dua: Fawad Madni & Rana Muzaffar!!!

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